We all have occasions where we are running late for public transport and have to run to catch the service.
It is preferred that ODIN PASS users book their trip as they are boarding the service.
In cases where you are running late, you may be able to jump on the service, as long as you book your ticket immediately after boarding, and if requested, show your booked ticket to the bus driver, and / or other operator. Boarding without a ticket already booked will always be at the discretion of the driver and / or TransLink operator.
You can save regular trips in your favourites. To learn how to do this, iOS users click here, and Android users click here.
If the public transport service is already moving, be sure to change your origin (from location) to the departing station / stop to ensure you have a valid public transport ticket from origin to destination).
If the ticket is booked for a later public transport service e.g. bus, that is fine as the ticket is specific to origin and destination, not specific route / vehicle.
Eventually ODIN PASS (and other MaaS apps) will be integrated with advanced ticketing systems to allow touching on and off. Unfortunately this is not possible with the current generation of goCard ticketing, but will be possible in the future.
If you have any other suggestions on how the public transport booking process can be improved, please feel free to contact us at: [email protected]